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压力和健康 Stress and Your Health(中英对照)









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454 金币
发表于 2011-10-18 19:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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本帖最后由 心似海 于 2011-10-18 22:05 编辑
% f+ |* l! W6 ]6 R6 ^" I
% I2 ?3 N1 X% W0 J

关键词:压力、健康、应激、压力处理、stress、health、pressure、stress management

' e* u* ~8 q( t7 H$ {/ c. F( D5 N: ~9 t9 g: J. W0 S  o


2 E- \! F$ t5 A, }  `+ x
根据Health Canada (1996)统计,2618岁以上的人承受着慢性的压力过大。
( t! Q" ]# S, Z, {
  J( Z- N0 x& {' Q
  s! }( T& K0 p( P; V

您是否也是其中之一呢?请做一个测试* z/ R6 W  n+ T
是(Y否(N回答下面的每个问题:" Y- e# w- H$ z1 ^/ a  O

; ^2 j/ y' R+ f) I& K  g" g
/ ^% |: S$ Y4 M3 a& @


  a+ d6 v: J. X( L  g0 B· 忽略您的饮食?9 F0 A8 z7 r1 B* ^# p2 t6 B
· 试图自己做每一件事情?
+ ?- `& R& w+ U& o: W0 o+ L" a4 B· 容易发怒?
2 S/ Z- ^, v9 s3 C1 q· 追求不现实的目标?$ K# e3 F- I2 ]
· 看不到别人感到幽默有趣的事情?) E6 M5 W' ?- @9 O* U* q9 V) S
· 行为粗鲁?) u0 M  q/ K1 J3 _( I0 c
· 对任何事情都大惊小怪' E- J" o& u: u, g0 t% n
· 事事依靠别人帮忙?
& ^. p9 J5 f% F: F, I3 K& F· 抱怨事情太多头绪?
! t* I2 a8 M: W8 l) B· 回避和自己意见不同的的人?3 u4 u, u# C2 Q$ o0 s
· 把事情压在自己心里?; E5 z2 k! E2 Z# Z: X
· 忽视身体锻炼?  I+ r, P! ?) b3 t/ d' R& m) ^9 Y- ~
· 很少有能支持你的朋友?/ }4 N* l7 S1 {# S4 s) n# g0 |
· 没有医生的建议就服用安眠药或镇静药?
2 B/ L6 g+ ~$ G* x· 很少休息时间?+ S" n. }9 r) B0 A
· 当等待的时候容易生气?
' v6 w" q' X9 W8 B6 Q· 忽视压力造成的症状?# v: Z* y  s7 _9 f3 ?* l
· 把事情一拖再拖?- I$ L; n5 c9 W$ H& }+ R
· 觉得某些事情只有一种正确的做法?
2 @7 N; T! y, K; Y2 X· 整天很少放松的时间?
4 C$ g6 k; a# F$ F: Q' h7 \2 w· 传播闲言碎语?0 K2 k2 S- D8 Z7 b) P
· 整天忙碌不停?
% m, D7 v  g. v& o1 @9 m1 [& n· 花很多时间抱怨过去的事情?
5 ^+ r' L. z$ P/ t4 ~· 无法在吵杂和拥挤中休息一会儿?. H1 d8 [7 k$ x9 U* E1 X

& l" U0 X0 M* ]0 h' V7 Q! I

5 G* q5 D/ v2 y) t7 E
如果您对上面的问题有14个以上的答案是是(Y,您面对的压力就可能会导致健康问题。(Canadian Mental Health Association; 1996)

$ N9 W& H7 H/ y4 b7 B
9 a8 b  B  ?; \7 N5 e4 a很多人可能没有意识到自己的压力过大。这里是一些压力过大时心理和生理的表现。2 V: V0 i: m  S9 K! [2 L9 g
! W, H" J! L: x

$ `. I1 {' e2 S, m0 O- v


" N; D/ s( n0 V3 U· 焦虑增加8 m4 Y2 O: o7 M% e0 h
· 注意力减退" v$ t! |8 {- @, r+ y
· 混乱不清晰$ J" d" f5 m+ y5 r/ S" B4 J
· 难以做决定
" T# i- L/ g& d: b/ M3 z9 X· 疲倦感
/ i  A+ t* X7 P$ n! ^· 脾气暴躁或易被激惹. o# e) T& I2 i6 d
· 缺乏动力: s% s! z+ K0 P( O& o
· 忧郁或缺乏幸福感
; F0 t- F/ A' ~+ j生理表现有:

2 C2 Z6 [0 N6 H- h% T0 a+ q. i· 经常头痛7 c7 \4 |6 |+ ]$ J5 f4 q4 R2 q
· 肌肉紧张
2 V: p: k+ |5 b9 E· 睡眠障碍) J( C4 C, h6 m9 J1 y& i
· 胃部不适( Y7 S" D+ M9 a8 @
· 食欲改变
9 ?( o% R: C6 g) l· 血压增加- R) k$ Z  h. L
' `/ N8 n4 F5 y) w- e* V! w; I5 d5 [) x; }, X* m0 X

& Q+ T! J" P, L4 C- u5 _
# D- }- _8 K  |5 D& h' `8 t4 Q  C; I这里是一些可能会帮助你更好地来处理压力的建议:

9 x5 `- Z  N/ k- R
: I) J1 I3 @/ |" c- ?0 V) y

· 练习正面思维" [6 J3 m1 X; M* Q+ i
· 和您的家人、朋友和专业人员分享您的感受

' e3 J  F' Y( y
· 保持健康饮食& ]( |$ L6 j: g+ X% ]6 V
· 定时锻炼身体
& @; F' X& e5 [! ]5 F' {7 X· 学习并进行放松练习(比如:静坐、瑜伽、太极、深呼吸练习)

8 ^$ W  r- @9 n· 做您感觉享受的事情(比如:散步、听放松的音乐、祈祷、阅读、种花)

; ^/ J. a" W+ u9 y4 @0 {
· 培养好的幽默感
1 \( w1 z  N/ z) l9 ?1 O· 对自己能做的和不能做的事情有正确现实的认识
& K: ^. N/ E3 H" Q) l· 保持足够睡眠;按时作息

7 l3 k+ c( Q# C7 [$ g
· 不要依靠喝酒、抽烟或吸毒来应对面临的问题

! O" N* ^; d4 M# V
· 要求您的家庭医生介绍可以帮助您处理压力的专业人员给您. X7 z- t3 w( b. m: l/ S. C
* l" N; O( x3 u5 B, F* I/ |久而久之,压力对身体的影响会导致疾病或使得一些疾病更复杂,例如:
; ~% H- z6 A) ~: F8 z8 j8 g. ?; z0 k0 t+ {

$ s* v+ j9 I* Q/ d& @# H
· 糖尿病
# h7 L' n8 l7 N· 关节炎8 D' y9 \0 _3 f! o) `2 I% H4 y6 C+ s
· 哮喘; i4 D! ~1 e2 |- u" D6 a" i2 I- Q
· 高血压4 k: H- t, U8 f* F4 m
· 心脏病/心绞痛* S/ t! Z7 G/ V* b: b- ?% Y+ h
, Q/ E8 u* i7 k! }9 A
  @' f! r4 R8 G# N; m. t7 `/ d

5 ^0 `. @+ W$ @9 ]# C% N请注意:研究已证明,如果压力调控适当,对慢性疾病的适应也就会更好。所以,找到合适的应对压力的方法是很重要的,可以改善您的生活质量

Are you suffering from too much stress?

# D2 S! w6 o" a6 G
According to Health Canada (1996),5 I. u6 H6 y# Z4 Z1 g. ~
26 % of people over the age of 18 said they were suffering from high chronic stress.
+ F$ \" f1 |" I4 j
# Q% h' Z: ]7 UAre you at risk? Please take the stress test:* a) e/ o7 P+ U5 P* |
9 g# O9 Q3 k: ?& I: F  E5 _1 r
Answer each question by marking Y (yes) or N(no)
! J1 q6 N, e  D# c1 ^0 x
" R( T9 M2 ?2 ~  R: a8 Z' z/ x3 S5 R- c" x' g& ?4 A5 ]( a) B

Do you frequently:

& Z1 v3 N) E* ?9 ~! Z) y
· Neglect your diet?

· Try to do everything yourself?

· Blow up easily?

· Seek unrealistic goals?

· Fail to see the humour in situation others find funny?

· Act rude?

· Make a “big deal” of everything?

· Look to other people to make things happen?

· Complain you are disorganized?

· Avoid people whose ideas are different from your own?

· Keep everything inside?

· Neglect exercise?

· Have few supportive relationships?

· Use sleeping pills and tranquilizers without doctor’s approval?

· Get too little rest?

· Get angry when you are kept waiting?

· Ignore stress symptoms?

· Put things off until later?

· Think there is only one right way to do something?

· Fail to build relaxation time into your day?

· Gossip?

· Race through the day?

· Spend a lot of time complaining about the past?

· Fail to get a break from noise and crowds?
) X, u" }/ @- e# n
" @8 N: h# q) z

* v: B+ t$ \5 T0 x0 `! O$ \

3 \- w6 E: u! J6 S3 ^

If you answered yes to 14 or more of these questions, then you may be at risk of feeling stressed that can lead to health problems.
4 |: B! ]$ j5 H6 A(Canadian Mental Health Association; 1996)
; M( I, D4 l" p/ g8 A1 M2 H5 C# J: s7 r, F" m# V% J" W3 @
What are the signs of stress?9 |6 x! D5 Q+ T% \

2 t' k- u' D, J; J" U& {Many people may be suffering from high stress and do not know it. There are psychological and physical signs of feeling stressed.
; d* k# Y1 C, D$ Z) B4 `  H0 e' [+ ]+ o
Some psychological signs include:

9 l4 u, x9 y, S2 u( ]
• Increased anxiety8 e  h* P  [) R( E8 x7 `( e
• Poor concentration( }$ n; \# U5 y8 {
• Confusion( \0 y- _3 D/ k  x4 N3 m
• Difficulty making decisions
/ E4 r- k% Z2 ?/ w3 U" S, E) }$ r• Increased fatigue8 i! _; k' U8 X9 H. C" z/ c* |
• A short temper or irritability
% Q7 `3 l! _, T$ N8 C) \: i• Lack of motivation
. Y, M  D5 l9 u' N• Depression or lack of happiness: c; g! d" x7 p6 E" I9 m
* g8 W0 o( b2 [' `, s' w

" m. l$ u" q5 v. O- H+ S

Some physical signs include:

" a- Y) v+ n6 X4 H+ }5 `• Frequent headaches0 s  {% X4 b& Z
• Increased muscle tension$ E5 V! g2 ^5 S  i, Z( d8 T  \5 z
• Problems sleeping
! z! J7 H4 O" [0 E, U• Upset stomach
1 a  j' s' e& S# o% S• Changes in appetite5 Y4 J% |8 T* `/ Y
• Increased blood pressure2 [2 [+ A1 Y$ a
6 H+ m1 O0 X! J4 H2 x. k/ f% T
Important: If you are feeling any of these signs repeatedly for several weeks, you should consult with your doctor about whether these signs are related to stress or something else.
  ~4 {; \! X+ Y+ J, h  J% S  o: [* K

, X/ K9 O* h; V8 f& W- W

How can I reduce stress?
) U0 Z( Q5 r8 R) {0 N( @! Y: }( X) r6 X$ M) J; W
Here are some suggestions that may help you to manage your stress better:

) F# d2 o" ~) W9 _6 A  D3 G

* R; r8 d+ o+ U8 \: a

• Practice thinking positively.: s: f- X! P( V  p6 _( a' F5 n
• Share your feelings with supportive family, friends,; w0 n; w$ ^9 c. O  g
and health care professionals.
- s0 z5 ~) b5 m1 ]% O6 r• Maintain a healthy diet.8 v, }9 z6 b3 ~8 k4 A0 J% G" G
• Exercise regularly.
' d. o! z1 d, H( m• Learn and practice relaxation exercises (i.e. ( h. F6 T6 \5 D6 W+ n
meditation, yoga, tai chi, deep breathing exercises).

# {& j9 W( I! q2 r, Q5 Y
• Practice activities that you enjoy (i.e. going for/ }, U1 r4 j- a6 ^9 m* Z, x
walks, listening to relaxingmusic, praying, reading,
6 S- X1 a6 A4 M: B+ dgardening).

- d* F5 w- S1 _! F) f) O- m. O6 ?& R
• Develop a good sense of humour; M" K6 H( Q' w# ~- A0 F
• Be realistic about what you can and cannot do.
; E& A* Y2 ]' G4 J& Y) L• Get adequate sleep. Maintain a regular hour for: K* v: D4 u& n. }, F; O& d
bedtime.) o5 i$ k- n" I
• Don’t rely on alcohol, drugs, or smoking to cope
# @6 i/ l) c; C2 Qwith problems.
$ i" G: s1 G3 W• Ask your doctor to refer you to a health care
- a' R2 `2 N3 i9 k8 x1 [professional who can help you with stress
+ a+ {: y# Z2 _+ v# _management.
, C9 R3 `9 K5 M8 F; C% K( S. A% V/ i9 y$ c) F

8 p) y- v( @# s9 k; l( I. J% l

8 W2 l6 M5 `( ?2 w& M7 b. J% M

Facts About Stress and Your Health
6 O; @% y$ p8 a7 x4 n  c6 P7 |$ T% V, r' u3 v
Over time, the physiological strain that stress puts on your body, can contribute to the development or complication of several illnesses, for example:

! Z# H4 s  v/ F. o# Q• Diabetes
* h# i. T) l! ~% ~• Arthritis. m! i# ]7 B" ?: F4 s" i+ `6 M" `; q
• Asthma  z2 B. p8 v% c% |; }( c5 `
• High Blood Pressure/ ]" D- L0 p8 j$ ^- d( ^: l$ C# J! g
• Heart Disease/Angina- O  Q4 x5 E4 p! ^: X5 V

3 Q* c9 G; j- C  H; _; s' qIf you already suffer from a chronic illness, you may be at greater risk of feeling stressed. Chronic illnesses such as diabetes often require many lifestyle changes. The physical and emotional challenges of learning to manage a chronic illness can be very stressful.
4 N4 g, t8 y9 @/ ?2 |1 }3 `
! }% H1 c, b0 r3 }2 @9 ~Important: Research has shown that if stress is managed well, there tends to be better adjustment and management of chronic illnesses.  V7 }" \7 Z" C  Y: P4 V/ S+ ]6 X
Therefore, it is important to find ways of managing your stress that work well for you. This will help you to achieve a better quality of life.

7 C' E$ v0 B1 Y' J
1 {  g+ l8 N% I) \/ ~! L- j# [
) P1 K2 }1 y. g6 ?
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