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Learning to drive









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39799 金币
发表于 2012-10-11 15:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Driver Education Programs
& i. F1 X! A6 y% z0 o2 W9 V% c8 C1 [4 ]7 V! l& f& A" f
As a new driver, you need a basic foundation of knowledge and skills to drive safely in a variety of road conditions. Quality driver education can help you develop safe driving habits and make good decisions in challenging situations.1 L+ f* G% I  o5 R5 S+ n: Z
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Structured classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction can also boost your confidence and help you stay calm and focused when you get behind the wheel—essential for safe driving.
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What you’ll learn from driver education/ g$ C1 ^4 i! G1 G
Driver education combines theory and practice. You’ll learn the rules of the road, how to operate a motor vehicle, and be able to practice what you’ve learned in supervised sessions.
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( z  U- E' N' R+ ]* d+ CYou’ll also learn:
  • How to identify risky situations and avoid them
  • How to avoid distractions while driving
  • The benefits of being a courteous driver
  • How to pass your driving test
  • The financial and legal responsibilities that come with driving
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; M* @- R& Q& ?$ @6 f* @* Q
What should you look for in a driver education program?
" y. E5 S3 {& h/ _The key is finding a driving school that’s the right fit for you and meets your needs. Choose quality over convenience, even if you have to travel farther or spend more time in the program: the extra effort will pay off.
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9 d) ?* g" A+ ~7 M, J3 uThe best driver education programs:
  • Offer reasonable student-teacher ratios
  • Belong to a professional association
  • Require instructors to continuously train and upgrade their skills
  • Encourage parental involvement
  • Be open to and proactive about resolving complaints

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* t$ z8 X+ q( ~2 z0 a% T9 SSome driver education courses will even give you high school credits, help you earn your full licence sooner or lower your insurance costs.
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Practice Sessions( W& W7 r( [% y% W
5 H/ p2 i. C% `' w. ], s, R5 a) h
; O$ K. G) c; t/ L  Q2 _$ x9 n( f1 A
When you finish your driver education program, you may be ready to pass your driving test but that doesn’t mean you’re fully prepared to drive in any situation. The best drivers are the ones with the most experience—and it may take about five years or longer before you can realistically expect to gain all the skills needed for safe driving. Make sure you practice—a lot—with an experienced driver and in varying road conditions.9 q/ @2 A! l! e6 L  |- y  c5 N# q/ R( G
Know your vehicle+ ?' F3 @1 k2 F% Z: W! r" N
You likely used an instructor’s car during your driver education program. Now that you’re finished, you’ll be driving a different vehicle—whether it’s yours or your parents’. Since every car is different, you’ll have to learn where everything is and what everything does in that vehicle before heading out to practice.
3 _! M& T% b+ u6 t0 {3 {& i, G  S9 Y( `1 C
Keep it simple, t+ L+ [  s) ~9 H; p8 u
When you’re set to begin your practice sessions, agree with your parents on a safe way to communicate while you’re driving. Whether you pull over for quick lessons or ask questions whenever you feel comfortable, come up with a plan to minimize distractions.
" I6 m" V! i& ^, s# s- o$ A- ?* M4 H* }
Start in less challenging situations where there is little or no traffic. Driving in empty parking lots and on quiet side roads will help you build confidence without having to worry about other motorists, cyclists or pedestrians.
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Practice in challenging situations8 J% V" ^, l  V1 ]1 H
Once you’re comfortable in simpler situations, you can start taking on challenges such as:
  • Highway driving
  • Driving in heavy traffic
  • Nighttime driving
  • Driving in heavy snow and rainstorms
9 Y  N8 [; o% \
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Car Care$ B1 P) i: t2 o7 c: S+ S0 y" H
! j: {7 q. L" U; \( a0 I1 z
Cars are complex machines that require regular maintenance to operate safely and properly. Whether you’re driving your own car or one that belongs to your parents, you need to learn the basics of car maintenance to prolong your car’s life—and ensure your safety.- U6 k. ~9 O0 K" ]2 Q- [% `7 U* C
The basics of care maintenance; Z9 A, [- d+ v$ ?
Get in the habit of performing routine safety checks on your car. Poor maintenance can lead to dangerous situations like tire blowouts and engine fires. Learn some basics of car care so you can respond if your vehicle breaks down—or someone else needs help.
1 Z( K8 v* M6 U+ [2 u( x
" e( T9 h" P- Q2 d$ {6 v& WYou should feel comfortable:
  • Checking fluid levels
  • Changing a tire
  • Using jumper cables
  • Using a tire gauge to check tire pressure

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If you need help developing these skills, ask your parents to teach you or look for a car care clinic in your community. Some maintenance emergencies may require more skills than those listed above—which is why for more than 100 years Canadians have invested in CAA Roadside Assistance, to know help is available whenever, wherever they need it. Learn more about Roadside Assistance in your area by visiting CAA and entering your postal code.' e# ]& I- h, N2 a+ C
$ v9 v- A  P( G2 P( ?5 }5 L
Save money—and the environment
+ H8 O8 A. g. m$ qOwning a car can be expensive. You have to pay for things like gas, insurance and tires. Good maintenance and safe driving habits can reduce wear on your car. This not only saves you cash: a vehicle that runs well is also better for the environment.; Z, M) p# v8 m" j, X( i# h
! X- q. G/ I# V' `7 k
Good driving behaviours that help prolong the life of your vehicle include:
  • Driving the speed limit
  • Accelerating smoothly
  • Not slamming the brakes
  • Maintaining a constant cruising speed

' }2 A! U$ H' j9 K7 h+ |/ }
! u3 [1 A0 P' m2 I$ BFor more information about how to drive in an environmentally friendly way, see our Eco Driving page.
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